Get a Government Insured FHA Mortgage!

I try to keep my weekly blog post apolitical.  welllllll, this week. . . not so much. Unless you are paying cash for you new house you will need to get a mortgage loan.  Lenders are, understandably so, looking at mortgage applications more critically than they have in past years. You CAN Get a Mortgage! […]

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Realtor Satisfaction Survey – Share Your Opinion!

Realtor Satisfaction – Your Opinion Matters! PLEASE post your response in the comments section below. Thank you in advance for your participation!  I hope to hear from YOU.  I will enjoy, and I think that others will enjoy, hearing YOUR response. Two Questions:  I would like to hear your comments about the following two questions: […]

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How to Prepare for Rising Interest Rates

Five Things to Know About Rising Interest Rates My First House:  My wife and I purchased our first house in 1996.  We thought that we hit the jackpot getting a mortgage interest rate of 6.25%!  We sold that house six years later, for more than twice the price that we paid for it, and purchase […]

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The Termite Inspection and Report

The Termite and Your House The Termite Inspection:  When you buy a house your lender will almost always require a “clear termite report” before they fund your mortgage loan.  A “Clear” termite report means that all of the “section one” repairs have been made and that your house is now free from any active infestation.  […]

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Negotiate Well! – Buying and Selling Real Estate

Negotiate Well for Your Best Deal A Real Estate Transaction is a Negotiation!  Every house will sell at the right price.  Sellers want to receive the highest price possible and buyers want to pay the lowest possible price. Whether you are selling your house or buying a new house, it is good to have an […]

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An Ounce of Prevention = An Rx for Your House

Prevention = Fix a Small Problem Before it Becomes Serious Prevention!  It is always easier, and less expensive, to fix a small problem than to fix a large problem.  Being aware of potentially damaging conditions that may exist in your house can help you to prevent a small problem from escalating into a large and […]

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Stay Green, Stay Clean and Donate!

Stay Green, Stay Clean and Donate! Habitat for Humanity is an international organization that helps to provide affordable housing for families who need a helping hand and are willing to help themselves.  The recipients of a Habitat for Humanity house are expected to contribute their time and energy into the construction of their new house.  […]

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Referrals – Ask for Them!

Referrals = Win Win Win! When You make a Referral Everyone Wins!  The lifeblood of any business, especially a business in the service sector, is referrals.  All of the marketing that I do can not produce a better potential new client like YOUR referral can produce.  People You Know WANT Your Referrals!  Think about it. […]

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Balanced Market = Buy a House Now!

Should You Buy a House Now? Today’s Real Estate Market:  In February of this year, and again in April, I talked about a strong seller’s market and my belief that the market would achieve some balance as we got further into the summer selling season.  It appears that my feeling was correct.  I would call […]

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Sell Now or Wait?

Is it Time to Sell Now? Sell Now or Wait?  I am working with several clients who want to “move up” or “downsize” their house.  The catch 22 for sellers is this:  Should I sell now or wait to possibly sell my house for more later? Another dilemma for sellers is where to go after […]

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